In times when value for money is more important than ever, Getech is launching a series of blogs and webinars to help you get the most from gravity and magnetic data.
Cheaper than seismic, better than public domain data – Getech’s data rich gravity and magnetic compilations hit the sweet spot between cost and value. But don’t just take our word for it. Majors, Independents and National Oil Companies around the world are using our data to de-risk and improve exploration success.
Gravity and Magnetic data have come a long way
Getech’s “Seeing With New Eyes” blog explains how gravity data can be the source of new subsurface insight, provided you have a clear understanding of its provenance and apply careful processing. We explain more in our Esri Story Map, which includes interactive images and maps.
In this story map you will learn:
- How to extract a clear picture of subsurface geology from gravity data.
- Why understanding the perveance of your data makes all the difference (and Getech’s global gravity holdings so valuable).
- How our latest multi-satellite data offshore is now comparable to 2D shipborne gravity.