
Understand how geology, infrastructure and demand combine to identify potential sites for operations

Screen for opportunities with our market leading Gravity & Magnetics derivatives and geospatial site selection tools. Understand the geology under your feet and how it relates to local energy demand.

Getech Heat Seeker

Heat Seeker

Find attractive locations for geothermal projects.

Temperature-Depth Maps

Temperature-Depth Maps

Rapidly screen geothermal sources with subsurface temperature prediction maps.

Depth To Basement

Depth To Basement

Quantify sediment fill and basin extents.

Exploration Analyst

Exploration Analyst

Geothermal play assessment made easy.

G&M Services

G&M Services

Survey planning, QC, advanced processing and integrated geophysics interpretation.

Geothermal Services

Geothermal Services

Understand the subsurface potential to power, heat or cool your operations and minimize your carbon footprint.

GIS Services

GIS Services

Business intelligence and spatial analysis for enhanced decision making.

Gravity Data

Gravity Data

A cost-effective component of your integrated exploration programme for anywhere in the world.

Magnetic Data

Magnetic Data

Map depth to basement, structural lineaments, Curie isotherm and volcanics to help de-risk interpretation uncertainties.

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