For more than 40 years Getech has curated a vast amount of world-class geoscience data and analysis which is used by its customers to locate, develop and operate a huge variety of geoenergy and green hydrogen projects. From geothermal to critical minerals and carbon capture and storage, at Getech we have seen an increase in demand for our content from organisations that wish to make better decisions about their projects, minimising the risk while maximising the value of their operations.
In response to the new global challenges posed by the energy transition and the current geopolitical environment, we have revolutionised access to our data and analytics for use in more localised low-carbon projects. As a result, we significantly expanded our Maptium platform earlier this month. The online platform allows energy and mineral resource information to be visualised and analysed through a set of customisable modular apps, using Getech’s unique data and analytics.
Core benefits to using Maptium include:
1. Flexibility
The platform has been created to provide our customers flexibility on where and how they access our content. From investigating and sharing data across teams, to annotating information as you go, the system saves your preferences and work so that you can pick up where you left off. As Maptium is web-based, its information can be accessed from any device – for teams that work remotely, on-site and in the office. Additionally, little training is required as the browser-based platform is intuitive and user-friendly.
2. Cost-effectiveness
Maptium provides a cost-effective entry point for accessing targeted content that was previously only available through high-cost desktop global petroleum-focussed solutions. With no data management and hosting costs to cover, clients can access a global database of the most up-to-date information to support them in decision-making.
3. Expert insight
Our geoscience specialists have provided their insights across the datasets, giving your staff access to our team’s in-depth knowledge. Our initial interpretation can be used as a start to discovery and research, helping the customers focus on optimising any subsequent investment.
Access to Maptium is modular, meaning you only pay for the content you need. Currently, there are three modules available – G&M, Sed Cu and Geodynamics:
Maptium G&M – This module helps enhance understanding of the subsurface, via our world-leading global gravity and magnetic data. The content, which includes globally validated and harmonised datasets such as bouguer and isostatic residual gravity anomalies, magnetic intensity and assorted derivatives, is used by customers across the energy transition sectors to de-risk exploration and improve project efficiency.
Maptium Sed Cu – This app provides analysis and insight into the potential location and economic concentration of sedimentary copper deposits, to assist in copper mining exploration projects. This metal is key to almost every low-carbon energy technology. Information available includes individual genetic-factor source layers and favourability analysis for nine Permian stages.
Maptium Geodynamics – Provides access to Getech’s market-leading plate model and geodynamics expertise in order to enhance understanding of the geologic evolution for an area of interest. The content is used by customers across energy sectors to build a better regional understanding of their projects, with information available to be downloaded into GPlates and PaleoGIS formats.
Maptium unlocks a huge opportunity and revolutionises the way customers source and use Getech data – saving not only time but significant costs. To find out more click here or email to book a demo of Maptium.