
Earth’s Evolution Unlocked for Better Minerals Exploration

Understand how the evolution of the planet has controlled the location of critical minerals, so you can find them today

Globe is a geoscience knowledge-base for ArcGIS that helps you understand Earth’s geological evolution to better predict the location of its minerals and metals – whether it be copper, lithium, cobalt, zinc or gold.

Globe documents the evolution of Earth’s geology and structures, tectonics and past climate at a fine spatial and temporal resolution.

Globe is built sequentially upon fundamental observations, with rigorous validation against primary data.

  • Structures at 1:1M, with activation histories, detailed crustal architecture, plate boundaries, depth-to-basement and thermal structure from industry-leading geopotential data, satellite imagery, seismic interpretation, and thermal measurements.
  • Bespoke plate model from rigorously quality-controlled database of magnetic picks, isochrons, and rotation poles.
  • Paleogeography, including quantitative elevation & bathymetry, detailed drainage networks, and Gross Depositional Environments, based on geodynamics and constrained by an expansive lithology database.
  • Earth Systems Modelling based on our palaeogeographies, including atmospheric & oceanographic circulation plus global climate, simulated with the Hadley CM3 General Circulation Model at the University of Bristol.

De-risk your exploration plays with an in-depth understanding of geological evolution.

Understand the distribution of genetic elements in space and time:

  • Temperature-depth structure and fault distribution
  • Plutonism & radiogenic heat production
  • Hydrothermal system development
  • Source to sink sedimentary systems

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