We are delighted to announce that under the official authorisation of Agência Nacional do Petróleo Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP), and in association with other Brazilian institutes, we are able to offer the exploration industry major new gravity and magnetic data compilations for all onshore and offshore Brazil, along with specific packages covering the Brazil Round 13 Blocks.
The magnetic compilation comprises:
- 100 aeromagnetic surveys
- 200,000 line kms of ship-borne magnetic data
The gravity compilation comprises:
- 500,000 land gravity stations
- 30,000 sea bottom gravity stations
- 9 airborne gravity surveys
- 20 marine gravity surveys
- Getech’s Trident satellite-derived gravity data over the continental margins
The above surveys have been reprocessed, compiled and merged into country-wide grids of Bouguer anomaly (2-km grids) and total magnetic intensity (1-km grid). These data sets are now available either as country-wide grids or as specific area grids that cover the Brazil Round 13 Blocks. The country-wide coverages are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1: Brazil gravity station coverage. Figure 2: Brazil magnetic survey coverage.
For further information and details of prices, please contact Tom Kerrane by phone on +44 113 3222217 or by email on tom.kerrane@getech.com.